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Configuration Routing struct mapper

Create a route that matches a URL requiring an HTTP DELETE method. We recommend using this matcher to expose actions that delete database records.

Name Type Required Default Description
name string No Camel-case name of route to reference when build links and form actions (e.g., blogPost).
pattern string No Overrides the URL pattern that will match the route. The default value is a dasherized version of name (e.g., a name of blogPost generates a pattern of blog-post).
to string No Set controller##action combination to map the route to. You may use either this argument or a combination of controller and action.
controller string No Map the route to a given controller. This must be passed along with the action argument.
action string No Map the route to a given action within the controller. This must be passed along with the controller argument.
package string No Indicates a subfolder that the controller will be referenced from (but not added to the URL pattern). For example, if you set this to admin, the controller will be located at admin/YourController.cfc, but the URL path will not contain admin/.
on string No If this route is within a nested resource, you can set this argument to member or collection. A member route contains a reference to the resource's key, while a collection route does not.
redirect string No Redirect via 302 to this URL when this route is matched. Has precedence over controller/action. Use either an absolute link like /about/, or a full canonical link.

    // Route name:  articleReview
    // Example URL: /articles/987/reviews/12542
    // Controller:  Reviews
    // Action:      delete
    .delete(name="articleReview", pattern="articles/[articleKey]/reviews/[key]", to="reviews##delete")

    // Route name:  cookedBooks
    // Example URL: /cooked-books
    // Controller:  CookedBooks
    // Action:      delete
    .delete(name="cookedBooks", controller="cookedBooks", action="delete")

    // Route name:  logout
    // Example URL: /logout
    // Controller:  Sessions
    // Action:      delete
    .delete(name="logout", to="sessions##delete")

    // Route name:  clientsStatus
    // Example URL: /statuses/4918
    // Controller:  clients.Statuses
    // Action:      delete
    .delete(name="statuses", to="statuses##delete", package="clients")

    // Route name:  blogComment
    // Example URL: /comments/5432
    // Controller:  blog.Comments
    // Action:      delete


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