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Builds and returns a string containing a check box form control based on the supplied objectName and property. In most cases, this function generates a form field that should represent a boolean style field in your data. Use checkBoxTag() or hasManyCheckBox() to generate check boxes for selecting multiple values. Note: Pass any additional arguments like class, rel, and id, and the generated tag will also include those values as HTML attributes.

Name Type Required Default Description
objectName any Yes The variable name of the object to build the form control for.
property string Yes The name of the property to use in the form control.
association string No The name of the association that the property is located on. Used for building nested forms that work with nested properties. If you are building a form with deep nesting, simply pass in a list to the nested object, and Wheels will figure it out.
position string No The position used when referencing a hasMany relationship in the association argument. Used for building nested forms that work with nested properties. If you are building a form with deep nestings, simply pass in a list of positions, and Wheels will figure it out.
checkedValue string No 1 The value of the check box when it's in the checked state.
uncheckedValue string No 0 The value of the check box when it's in the unchecked state.
label string No useDefaultLabel The label text to use in the form control.
labelPlacement string No around Whether to place the label before, after, or wrapped around the form control. Label text placement can be controlled using aroundLeft or aroundRight.
prepend string No String to prepend to the form control. Useful to wrap the form control with HTML tags.
append string No String to append to the form control. Useful to wrap the form control with HTML tags.
prependToLabel string No String to prepend to the form control's label. Useful to wrap the form control with HTML tags.
appendToLabel string No String to append to the form control's label. Useful to wrap the form control with HTML tags.
errorElement string No span HTML tag to wrap the form control with when the object contains errors.
errorClass string No fieldWithErrors The class name of the HTML tag that wraps the form control when there are errors.
checkBox(objectName, property [, association, position, checkedValue, uncheckedValue, label, labelPlacement, prepend, append, prependToLabel, appendToLabel, errorElement, errorClass ]) <!--- Basic example of a check box for a boolean field --->
    #checkBox(objectName="photo", property="isPublic", label="Display this photo publicly.")#

<!--- Shows check boxes for selecting public access for all photos provided by the `photos` association and nested properties --->
    <cfloop from="1" to="#ArrayLen(" index="i">
                #checkBox(objectName="user", association="photos", position=i, property="isPublic", label="Display this photo publicly.")#