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Displays a marked-up listing of messages that exist in the Flash.

Name Type Required Default Description
keys string No The key (or list of keys) to show the value for. You can also use the key argument instead for better readability when accessing a single key.
class string No flashMessages HTML class to set on the div element that contains the messages.
includeEmptyContainer boolean No false Includes the div container even if the Flash is empty.
lowerCaseDynamicClassValues boolean No false Outputs all class attribute values in lower case (except the main one).
<!--- In the controller action --->
flashInsert(success="Your post was successfully submitted.");
flashInsert(alert="Don''t forget to tweet about this post!");
flashInsert(error="This is an error message.");

<!--- In the layout or view --->
	Generates this (sorted alphabetically):
	<div class="flashMessages">
		<p class="alertMessage">
			Don''t forget to tweet about this post!
		<p class="errorMessage">
			This is an error message.
		<p class="successMessage">
			Your post was successfully submitted.

<!--- Only show the "success" key in the view --->
	Generates this:
	<div class="flashMessage">
		<p class="successMessage">
			Your post was successfully submitted.

<!--- Show only the "success" and "alert" keys in the view, in that order --->
	Generates this (sorted alphabetically):
	<div class="flashMessages">
		<p class="successMessage">
			Your post was successfully submitted.
		<p class="alertMessage">
			Don''t forget to tweet about this post!