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Used as a shortcut to output the proper form elements for an association. Note: Pass any additional arguments like class, rel, and id, and the generated tag will also include those values as HTML attributes.

Name Type Required Default Description
objectName string Yes Name of the variable containing the parent object to represent with this form field.
association string Yes Name of the association set in the parent object to represent with this form field.
keys string Yes Primary keys associated with this form field. Note that these keys should be listed in the order that they appear in the database table.
label string No The label text to use in the form control.
labelPlacement string No Whether to place the label before, after, or wrapped around the form control. Label text placement can be controlled using aroundLeft or aroundRight.
prepend string No String to prepend to the form control. Useful to wrap the form control with HTML tags.
append string No String to append to the form control. Useful to wrap the form control with HTML tags.
prependToLabel string No String to prepend to the form control's label. Useful to wrap the form control with HTML tags.
appendToLabel string No String to append to the form control's label. Useful to wrap the form control with HTML tags.
errorElement string No HTML tag to wrap the form control with when the object contains errors.
errorClass string No The class name of the HTML tag that wraps the form control when there are errors.
hasManyCheckBox(objectName, association, keys [, label, labelPlacement, prepend, append, prependToLabel, appendToLabel, errorElement, errorClass ]) <!--- Show check boxes for associating authors with the current book --->
<cfloop query="authors">