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Redirects the browser to the supplied controller/action/key, route or back to the referring page. Internally, this function uses the URLFor function to build the link and the cflocation tag to perform the redirect.

Name Type Required Default Description
back boolean No false Set to true to redirect back to the referring page.
addToken boolean No false See documentation for your CFML engine's implementation of cflocation.
statusCode numeric No 302 See documentation for your CFML engine's implementation of cflocation.
route string No Name of a route that you have configured in config/routes.cfm.
controller string No Name of the controller to include in the URL.
action string No Name of the action to include in the URL.
key any No Key(s) to include in the URL.
params string No Any additional parameters to be set in the query string (example: wheels=cool&x=y). Please note that CFWheels uses the & and = characters to split the parameters and encode them properly for you (using URLEncodedFormat() internally). However, if you need to pass in & or = as part of the value, then you need to encode them (and only them), example: a=cats%26dogs%3Dtrouble!&b=1.
anchor string No Sets an anchor name to be appended to the path.
onlyPath boolean No true If true, returns only the relative URL (no protocol, host name or port).
host string No Set this to override the current host.
protocol string No Set this to override the current protocol.
port numeric No 0 Set this to override the current port number.
url string No Redirect to an external URL.
delay boolean No false Set to true to delay the redirection until after the rest of your action code has executed.
// Redirect to an action after successfully saving a user
if (

// Redirect to a specific page on a secure server
redirectTo(controller="checkout", action="start", params="type=express", protocol="https");

// Redirect to a route specified in `config/routes.cfm` and pass in the screen name that the route takes
redirectTo(route="profile", screenName="Joe");

// Redirect back to the page the user came from